Tuesday, October 24, 2017

2.3 Blog: Unmanned Aerial Systems

Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Lost Link Procedures

Unnamed Aerial Systems (UAS) that operate within the our National Airspace System (NAS) whether within Line of Sight (LOS) or Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) must be equipped with the appropriate technologies to ensure a safe recovery of the aerial platform in the event of a lost data link between the operator and aerial platform. In accordance with Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) Parts 91.3 and 91.13 General Operating & Flight Rules; the pilot in command of an aircraft is responsible for that aircraft’s operations and must ensure that the aircraft is not operated so that it causes undue harm to endanger a person or their property (Federal Aviation Administration, 2017a). In other words, even when things go wrong, the pilot in command is still responsible and accountable.

In addition, Part 107 Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems found in the FARs discuss in detail the operating rules for a remote pilot in command; these rules do not alleviate the pilot in command from their general operating responsibilities as outlined in Part 91. In the event, a small UAS (sUAS) operator loses the data link with their platform they are still responsible. Fortunately, unless otherwise authorized sUAS are operated within line of sight and under very strict rules which lessen the potential for damage in the event of a loss link scenario. Most small commercial UAS operating under Part 107 incorporate contingency lost link features such as safe modes and return to home modes (Stansbury, Tanis, & Wilson, 2009). When the sUAS detects a lost link, the platform will autonomously fly to the point of launch or a pre-programmed waypoint; they are also capable of auto-landing; two examples are the Piccolo and Procerus Kestrel autopilots (Stansbury et al., 2009).

UAS that fly out of the general scope of Part 107 based on a waiver and/or authorization will have published procedures in the event of a lost link between the Ground Control Station (GCS) and the air vehicle. During the certificate of waiver or authorization process, lost link procedures are addressed but will vary on the type of UAS (Federal Aviation Administration, 2017b). Letters of Agreement (LOA) between Air Traffic Control (ATC) and the UAS proponent will ensure a lost link contingency plan is in place and that lost link procedures will not interfere with other NAS traffic (Federal Aviation Administration, 2017b).

UAS flown by the military also have published loss link procedures. A good example can found in U. S. Army Fort Knox Regulation 95-23 Unmanned Aircraft System Flight Rules (unclassified). This regulation specifies the following:

Small UAS
·         UAS will have a pre-programmed lost link location and altitude.
·         The UAS will orbit until the link can be re-established or the aircraft runs out of fuel.
Large UAS
·         UAS will proceed at mission altitude to a pre-programmed lost link location, then spiral to 4300 feet msl.
·         The UAS will orbit at 4300 feet msl and attempts will be made to re-establish the link (United States Army, Fort Knox, 2016).

Success in the event of a lost link scenario is dependent upon two parts; the first is establishing lost link procedures and the protocols to re-establish the link and the second is the UAS architecture. The air vehicle must be able to autonomously recognize when command, control, and communications (C3) are lost, then independently carry out those tasks to re-establish C3, or safely independently recover. It is important that operators fully understand their equipment. sUAS hobbyist need to know the capabilities of their air vehicles and what their autonomous actions are in the event of a lost link. UAS operating in controlled airspace must comply with their waivers and authorization and strictly adhere to that documentation.
In 2011 The MITRE Corporation started working with the FAA to develop a UAS onboard Intelligent Analyzer that will detect loss link situations and convert data relating to the platform’s position, altitude, airspeed, and next waypoint into a synthesized voice message that could be broadcast over emergency frequencies to ATC and other aircraft (Van Cleave, 2011). Future success depends on the FAA working with UAS manufactures to create technologies that will mitigate accidents or damage in the event of lost C3 such as the Intelligent Analyzer.

Federal Aviation Administration. (2017a). Federal aviation regulations: Part 91. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration.

Federal Aviation Administration. (2017b). Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) (JO 7200.23A). Retrieved from the Federal Aviation Administration website: https://www.faa.gov/documentLibrary/media/Order/JO_7200.23A_Unmanned_Aircraft_Systems_(UAS).pdf

Stansbury, R. S., Tanis, W., & Wilson, T. A. (2009, April). A technology survey of emergency recovery and flight termination systems for UAS. Paper presented at AIAA InfoTech Aerospace Conference, Seattle, WA. Retrieved from http://commons.erau.edu/publication/73/

United States Army, Fort Knox. (2016). Fort Knox Regulation 95-23, Unmanned Aircraft System Flight Rules. Retrieved from Headquarters, Fort Knox website: http://www.knox.army.mil/garrison/dhr/asd/docs/regs/r95-23.pdf

Van Cleave, D. A. (2011, January). Keeping track of unmanned aircraft by overcoming "Lost Links". Retrieved from https://www.mitre.org/publications/project-stories/keeping-track-of-unmanned-aircraft-by-overcoming-lost-links

Thursday, October 19, 2017

1.5 Blog: UAS Strengths and Weaknesses

The military uses Unmanned Aerial Systems in a variety of applications of which one is reconnaissance. The same UAS reconnaissance systems used by the military can be effectively used by local government and civil organizations to fight illegal poaching operations throughout the world.

Traditionally the military uses UAS reconnaissance for “long range high altitude surveillance” and “close range reconnaissance” (Barnett, Bird, Culhane, Sharkasi, & Reinholtz, 2007). Of the two, “close range reconnaissance” is well suited for conducting operations in support of anti-poaching efforts by small groups of hunters. The same strategies used by the military to locate and identify potential human threats are applicable to organizations trying to locate and identify poachers in the wilderness.

UAS are categorized by size, weight, range, speed, and platform capabilities (Brown, n.d.). The RQ-11B man-portable small UAS (sUAS) is a perfect example of an unmanned aerial vehicle built for both military and commercial applications capable of gathering low-altitude intelligence and performing both reconnaissance and surveillance missions (AeroVironment, 2017). Key features include its low operating weight of 4.2 pounds, hand-launched capability, supports autonomous operations, ability to auto land, and ruggedized design for harsh environments (AeroVironment, 2017). This rapidly deployable sUAS can be outfitted with a forward electro-optical camera and an infrared camera for night operations; this coupled with over one hour of flight time is ideal for anti-poaching missions (AeroVironment, 2017).

However, as well equipped as the Raven is, it has one shortcoming; without the right computing algorithms, it will not locate poachers and capture the data needed to fight the illegal activities. This weakness has been overcome through the efforts of professors from the University of Maryland’s Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS) (Chiaramonte, 2015). The university team created predictive analysis algorithms that analyze factors such as terrain data, wildlife patterns, and past poacher behaviors that significantly increase the chances of detecting poaching operations (Corrigan, 2017). The algorithm creates the flight path and syncs it to the platform’s onboard autopilot (Chiaramonte, 2015).

Another obstacle faced by civilian UAS operations is the lack of legislation to support their anti-poaching objectives. Many countries, especially those in South Africa have banned UAS operations altogether (Nuwer, 2017). The only effective way to create pro UAS legislation is through education that sells the benefits and advantages of UAS in anti-poaching efforts.

Final Thoughts
Technologies used in military UAS applications with slight modifications can translate into effective tools for civil non-profit and commercial enterprises. The same platform used for anti-poaching can be used for other conversation programs without modifications; it can detect, locate, and transmit data. UAS are an economical platform that will continue to develop and be used in applications not currently thought of. Their popularity has spawned an entire industry and commercial developers are soon to be on par if not as of yet with the military; just as commercial aircraft manufacturers were post World War II.


AeroVironment. (2017). UAS RQ-11B Raven. Retrieved from https://www.avinc.com/images/uploads/product_docs/Raven_Datasheet_2017_Web_v1.pdf

Barnett, S., Bird, J., Culhane, A., Sharkasi, A., & Reinholtz, C. (2007). Deployable reconnaissance from a VTOL UAS in urban environments. Paper presented at the, 6561(1) http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.718330

Brown, J. (n.d.). Types of military drones: The best technology available today [Web log post]. Retrieved from http://mydronelab.com/blog/types-of-military-drones.html

Chiaramonte, P. (2015, April 12). How drones are battling animal poachers in Africa. Retrieved from http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2015/04/09/drones-being-used-to-predict-and-prevent-animal-poaching-in-africa.html

Corrigan, F. (2017, January 29). 8 Top anti poaching drones for critical wildlife protection. Retrieved from https://www.dronezon.com/drones-for-good/wildlife-conservation-protection-using-anti-poaching-drones-technology/

Nuwer, R. (2017, March 13). High above, drones keep watchful eyes on wildlife in Africa. The New York Times. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/13/science/drones-africa-poachers-wildlife.html