Friday, March 2, 2018

Research Assignment: UAS Crew Member Selection

Gabriel P. Riccio

ASCI 638 Human Factors in Unmanned Systems

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Worldwide

2 March 2018

UAS Crew Member Selection

Basic Qualifications

            The purpose of this paper is to identify and establish hiring, qualification, training, and certification requirements for Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) crew positions that will be piloting/operating the Insitu Scan Eagle and the General Atomics Ikhana.  Any candidate that applies for either position must meet at a minimum the following three requirements:

·         Must possess at the time of employment, a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Medical Certificate (any Class) for the purpose of determining medical fitness for flight operations.

·         Hold an FAA Part 107 sUAS remote pilot airman certificate.

·         Meet the aeronautical knowledge 24 calendar month recency requirements of FAA Flight Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 107 Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems as described in Part 107.65 (U.S. FAA, 2018).

The three basic qualifications for these positions establish a common baseline of health and aeronautical knowledge for the purpose of operating UAS within the National Airspace System (NAS).


            The ScanEagle is considered a sUAS based on its max gross weight of 44 pounds (Wilke, 2007).  The system consists of the Ground Control Station (GCS), air vehicle, payload subsystem, command, control, communications (C3) subsystem, pneumatic launcher, and skyhook recovery system (Wilke, 2007).  Since this is a sUAS it can be operated under Part 107 of the FARs (U.S. FAA, 2018).  In accordance with Part 107, a remote pilot in command must be designated for the flight (U.S., 2018).  Additionally, due to the complexity of operations, an additional remote pilot of equal qualifications will be physically present during all operations to serve as a visual observer and backup pilot if required.  The ideal candidate will have previous experience as a military ScanEagle remote pilot with a minimum of 250 hours, an FAA private pilot or commercial certificate along with a Class II medical.


            The Ikhana is a complex UAS that is part of the MQ-9 UAS Reaper family with a maximum gross takeoff weight of 10,000 pounds (Merlin, 2009).  Aside from maintenance and support personnel; operation of the Ikhana in this oceanic environmental study will require two qualified pilots at all times; one person will be piloting the air vehicle while the other performs duties as payload/sensor operator, and pilot support for communications, checklist, contingency operations, and backup pilot (Merlin, 2009).  Minimum qualifications for the pilot positions other than the three basic requirements are as follows:

·         Previous flight experience as an Ikhana, Reaper, Predator, Global Hawk pilot or remote pilot flight experience performing UAS beyond line-of-sight Operations (BLOS).

·         Hold a private pilot certificate with an instrument rating.

The ideal candidate will possess an FAA commercial or an Airline Transport certificate along with a FAA Class 1 Medical.  They will also have a minimum of 500 hours as an Ikhana, Reaper, Predator, or Global Hawk Pilot.

Training and Certification

            Once hired all crew members will be trained and tested in the following general knowledge areas applicable to their UAS; see Table 1 below.

Table 1

Crew academic training and testing topics.

System Overview
Landing/Recovery Procedures
Flight Information Publications and Maps
Engines and Related systems
Crew Risk Management
Company Standard Operating Procedures
Fuel System
Map Reading and Interpretation
Navigation Equipment
Visual Flight Rules Operations and Planning
Electrical System
Weight and Balance
Performance Data and Charts
Forms and Records
Payloads and Sensors
Required Publications
Weather Analysis, Brief, and Planning
Instrument Flight Rules and Planning
Human/Aeromedical Factors
Operating limitations and Restrictions
Emergency Procedure and Contingency Training
Ground Control Station

Note: Adapted from MQ–1C Unmanned aircraft system commander’s aircrew training program and aircrew training Manual (TC 3-04.63).

Upon completion of academic training and testing, each newly hired remote pilot will receive a minimum of 5 hours of actual flight training not to exceed 15 hours based on proficiency.  If after 15 hours of flight training the remote pilot cannot complete assigned tasks, their employment will be terminated. The remote pilots must show proficiency in the following tasks, see table 2.

Table 2

Remote pilot tasks.

Task No.
Conduct Crew Mission Brief
Plan the Flight
Evaluate Performance Data
Correctly Analyze Weather Data
Perform Pre-flight Inspection
Perform Start, Run-Up Checks
Perform Takeoff/Launch Operations
Perform Fuel Management Procedures
Manually Maintain Assigned Airspeed, Altitude, and Heading
Operate autopilot and automatic functions
Perform Sensor/Payload Operations
Perform Assigned Mission Tasks
Correctly React to Emergency Procedures
Perform Landing/Capture Operations

Note: Adapted from MQ–1C Unmanned aircraft system commander’s aircrew training program and aircrew training Manual (TC 3-04.63).

Once a pilot completes their initial training and evaluation they will be marked as fully certified for UAS flight operations.  All pilots will be required to maintain proficiency in all flight tasks and are considered current if they fly at least one mission every 60 days, meet the FAA knowledge recency requirements per FAR Part 107.65, and pass an annual company knowledge and flight evaluation.

Department of the Army. (2014). MQ–1C Unmanned aircraft system commander’s aircrew training program and aircrew training Manual (TC 3-04.63). Retrieved from
Merlin, P. W. (2009). Ikhana unmanned aircraft system western states fire missions. Retrieved from National Aeronautics and Space Administration website:
United States. Federal Aviation Administration. (2018). eCFR — Code of Federal Regulations. Retrieved from
Wilke, C. (2007, March). ScanEagle overview. Paper presented at SAE Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems Committee, Boulder, CO.. Retrieved from

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